Yes I am! We have shows on: Feb. 26,27,28 and March 5,6,7- these dates are the Friday, Sat., Sun. of the two weeks.
Friday+Sat. shows start at 7:30pm
Sunday shows start at 2pm
Bring your friends yo' cos the set is off the chain! The box office number to reserve your tickets is: (808)973-5066
Jaime...would you like to go see "A Midsummer Night's Dream"?! Well I think you should go see it! It's at midpac. Just call the box office number or I'll send you the box office number. WHITE SNAKE WAS AWESOME. I took a picture of one of the big major major beijing/jingju opera actors (and I had no idea he was big) till after I took the picture for him. *sighhh* i'm oblivious. Anyways hope to hear from you soon!
Friday+Sat. shows start at 7:30pm
Sunday shows start at 2pm
Bring your friends yo' cos the set is off the chain! The box office number to reserve your tickets is: (808)973-5066