
June 18

Portrayable Ethnicities

Caucasian, Hawaiian, Asian, Portuguese, etc.

Portrayable Age


Special Talent

I have been singing with the Hawaii Youth Opera Chorus (HYOC) since I was 8, so I am going on my 10th year. In middle school I performed for a selected ensemble for 3 years, in which an audition is required, and in high school I was invited to perform in a select ensemble in which an invitation is required. Also, in HYOC, we are required to dance hula. I have taken piano and ballet lessons, and I have performed in several musicals. I am also in my school's select choir. I love to perform, and catch on to things quickly. I have also done some modeling for friends that are interested in pursuing careers in photography. I took a screenwriting class at a pre-college summer program at the Academy of Art University over the summer of 2009.
