


August 9

(Contact Information) Agent, Talent Manager or Self Managed


Portrayable Ethnicities


Portrayable Age


Height, Weight, Hair Color, Eye Color, Shirt/Blouse size, Pant Size, Shoe Size

5'10" 1/2, 175, brown/blonde, brown, M/L, 36, 10

Special Talent

Playing a roll that is technical, creative and administrative: supervised setup and operation of production equipment, helped plan program format and research scripts, maintain production records, and hire equipment. I've been given responsibility for a wide variety of tasks, which may be both menial and complex. Working closely with producers, directors, actors/musicians and production team; liaising with writers, artists' agents, members of the public, and publicity staff; co-ordinating and communicating production resources and facility arrangements in tandem with the production managers; attending and timing production rehearsals; attending and co-ordinating planning meetings; checking copyright and permission issues; ensuring royalties are paid for additional images, music or footage used; dealing with artists' payments and expenses; producing budgets, monitoring costs and controlling expenses; cueing pre-recorded material; overseeing the timing during a shoot or show; ensuring continuity, both on location and in the studio; dealing with production enquiries from members of the public; keeping accurate shot lists, especially for drama productions; typing up camera scripts and shot cards; producing timing schedules, shot lists and logs for post-production; calling shots; liaising with the camera and sound crew during studio recordings; booking artists and performers; organizing the production and distribution of scripts; booking catering, accommodation, equipment and flights for performers and crew; managing contracts with external organizations; conducting research; completing all necessary paperwork in relation to the above tasks. I am blessed with excellent organisational and interpersonal skills. Good IT skills and ability to remain calm under pressure and in LIVE situations.
