


July 29

Portrayable Ethnicities

Italian, Middle Eastern, Greek, etc.

Portrayable Age

35 to 45

Height, Weight, Hair Color, Eye Color, Shirt/Blouse size, Pant Size, Shoe Size

5'9" - 165 - BR - Hzl/BR = 15/33 - 33/31 - 9 1/2 D

Special Talent

Professional Spokesperson and Presenter, Host, Warm Up and Master of Ceremonies. Variety Entertainer, Singer, Impressionist and Musician (Drums and Guitar). World Traveler and Cruise Industry Specialist. Nutrition and Health related studies. Horseback riding, various sports and construction/remodeling. VARIOUS DIALECTS AND SINGING IMPRESSION VOICES French, Southern and Western. Kermit the Frog, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Elvis, Ray Charles, Willie Nelson and Julio and more.

Personal/Business Website


ray michaels bashkingy