January 1
January 1
Portrayable Ethnicities
Caucasian culture
Portrayable Age
Height, Weight, Hair Color, Eye Color, Shirt/Blouse size, Pant Size, Shoe Size
5'7", 145 lbs., blond now (you can change it) brunette in winter, Bright Blue, Ladies large, Ladies medium, 81/2
Special Talent
Avid sailor, swimmer, diver, snorkeler, mt. biker, skier, I surf wave skis, please see my facebook page for more.
Personal/Business Website
in process or recreating
Sunny Moritz
From the look of your picture you'd have to pull off some amazing acting job to portray a 70-year old. lol. I can see it now, '...and introducing Sunny Moritz, as Dixie, a bright and cheerful 68-year-old surfer chick who falls desperately in love with Chad, her dashing 24-year old spelunking instructor from Tibet!"
Have fun!