
Makawao, HI

(Contact Information) Agent, Talent Manager or Self Managed


Portrayable Ethnicities


Portrayable Age


Height, Weight, Hair Color, Eye Color, Shirt/Blouse size, Pant Size, Shoe Size

Taller than our Steadycam rig.

Special Talent

Well, as the name implies, we’re a bit under the radar. Given that, we’re a small group of folks on the island of Maui, dedicated to the creation of short films. No slasher/horror/porn stuff. Just high quality dramas, comedies, etc. We’re pretty busy working on our own productions, and as such we don’t really offer our production services to other entities, but we’re always looking for actors on Maui willing to work for pizza and a screen credit. Oh, and PA’s are in short supply here on Maui, so if you wanna learn the business and you’re willing to get paid what the actors do, let us know. You write a short script and want to see it potentially turned into a short film? Drop us a line.

Personal/Business Website


