March 3
March 3
(Contact Information) Agent, Talent Manager or Self Managed
Self Managed
Portrayable Ethnicities
Portrayable Age
Height, Weight, Hair Color, Eye Color, Shirt/Blouse size, Pant Size, Shoe Size
Special Talent
Cinematography, Film/Video Editing, Visual Effects/3D Animation
Personal/Business Website
IMDB (Internet Movie Database)
You need to be a member of hawaiiactors30 to add comments!
I would love to be apart of any future filmings...please let me know!~
Greetings from a local filmmaker,
I just saw your VFX reel! Real cool stuff. I am planning to do a web series sometime in the late fall early next year. Always looking for a VFX artist. The movie is based on my local indie movie. Feel free to check out the website at
Feel free to contact me at if interested. Thanks.
Thanks for the offer maybe in the future I can be of service
Jesus Ramos
Aloha. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my comment, and even more thanks for recognizing the importance of the historical figures, for viewing them as sacred, and for treating it with the utmost respect that they deserve. It is not often Hawai`i is blessed with such an understanding and generous perspective. I look forward to watching your film.
Me ke aloha pumehana,
Thanks for the offer
Aloha Jess,
So sad! I also wish I had checked this earlier! Sounds like a good project for me and hope everything went well!
Hi Jess!
I'm so sorry to have missed your post on my wall for the read request. But am honored that you found me. I've been traveling and didn't receive an update in my email. I hope you will keep me in mind for the future, if I should be so lucky. I'm in Hawaii until January! Warmest Fiore
Check out my single that was just released! If you need any original music I can hook you up!!
Sorry, I have not checked this site for a while. I am interseted in your project. is it too late?
Davo 808-282-3286
Aloha Jess, Thank you for the consideration. I would love to get my feet wet in this business. you can count me in. contact me with some details please. 701-301-1925 CJ i do reside on Oahu just a mainland number.